Dennis & Gnasher Unleashed!


52 X 11 min CGI series Jellyfish and Beano Studios

I worked on this CGI version of a Beano classic in house from start to end. The storyboards were completed using a new software Panelforge, which allowed me to import basic 3D sets and T pose character models (as you can see in the visual difference of the below boards). I was able to manipulate the cameras in a real world fashion allowing me to really push the shots and become heavily involved in the layout process. As the storyboards fed the camera positions directly to the animators, the staging had to be absolutely on point. Trying to retain the charm (sometimes!) of the original characters, whilst bringing them to a modern audience, involved boarding extreme skateboarding/drone piloting aswell as spaceships flying down the internal organs of a canine!

Dennis and Gnasher Unleashed! was a pleasure to work, i definitely unleashed my inner Dennis!

dog 1

dog 2

dog 3

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